IMPROVE YOUR PLAY #6 with Larry Matheny

We continue to look at the scoring differences in matchpoint events compared to rubber bridge or team games. Emphasis is placed on reaching game in either notrump or the majors. A minor suit game will often result in a poor score. See how you would have done with this hand.

East-West vulnerable at matchpoints.

Hand #6
Dlr S
Vul E-W
S QJ52
H J10732
D 65
C A9
S A8
H K865
D 82
C Q10754
S 10943
H A94
D 73
C J863

S K76
D AKQJ1094
C K2
West North
--- --- --- 1D
1H pass
(all pass)

BIDDING:  Playing in a pairs event, South gave no thought to rebidding his diamonds but headed right to 3NT.  

PLAY:  West led his fourth best club won by declarer.  South knocked out the ace of spades and had eleven tricks when West continued clubs.  As always, there were pairs in 5D also making eleven tricks but their score of +400 was below average.  Those in 3NT scored either +430 or +460.  This is not rubber bridge.

Copyright ©2007 Larry Matheny.