IMPROVE YOUR PLAY #43 with Larry Matheny

Defense can be one of the most difficult parts of bridge.  Your most frequently used signal should be attitude followed by count.  Another tool you and your partner should employ is the suit preference signal.  The suit preference signal is the play of a high (or low) card when a shift is indicated.  Take a look at this example.  And, for flavor, imagine you are in a tournament and reach the table of two very cocky young men...

Scoring:  Matchpoints

Hand #43
Dlr  S
Vul E-W
S 6
H J963
D K1098
C 9653
S KQ1074
H K108
D 764
C A10
S AJ983
H 5
C J874

S 52
H AQ742
D J53
West North

1S 3H* 4H 5H
All Pass



BIDDING:  After South opened the bidding 1H and West overcalled 1S, North attempted to jam the auction with a weak jump to 3H.  But, East liked his hand and bid 4H to show a strong spade raise.  Next, South tried to use the favorable vulnerability to sacrifice at the five level but West with a minimum overcall and heart cards better suited for defense, doubled for penalties.  Holding long spades East was tempted to bid on but finally agreed to defend.

PLAY:  West's opening lead was the king of spades and East followed with the jack.  This unusually high card was a request for a diamond shift, the higher of the other two suits.  Accordingly, West led a low diamond to East's queen.  East then exited with a low club won by West after declarer played the king.  West then led his last club to South's queen.  Realizing the defenders were trying for a club ruff, declarer quickly played ace and another heart.  West won his king and led a low diamond to East's ace.  The defense wasn't through yet; when East cashed the club jack, West discarded his last diamond and East led a diamond for West to ruff.  When the smoke cleared, South was down five tricks for -1100.  Note that East-West can make five spades but not six.

Without the suit preference signal at trick one, West might shift to ace and another club.  After winning the second heart he can lead a diamond to East and get a club ruff but this only beats the contract four tricks.  Of course +800 is a good score but there are two hands to play with these opponents and all of a sudden they are very quiet....

Copyright ©2007 Larry Matheny.