IMPROVE YOUR PLAY #39 with Larry Matheny

The SPLINTER bid has been around for quite a while but many players do not take advantage of it.  Here is an example of how valuable it can be.

Scoring: IMPs

Hand #39
Dlr  N
Vul N-S
S 732
H AQJ1064
D 954
C 3
S 964
H 83
D 832
C KJ764
S 108
H 972
D Q1076
C A1082

H K5
C Q95
West North

2H Pass
 Pass 4C* Pass
   5D     Pass
All Pass

*Spinter bid

BIDDING:  After North's weak two bid, South was interested in slam but concerned about the club suit.  He started with a forcing 2S call and North took a new look at his hand.  North had three card spade support, a good heart suit, and a singleton club.  He jumped to 4C to show the shortness.  That was all South needed to hear.  He used Blackwood to confirm they were not missing two aces and then bid the slam.

PLAY:  West led a club and declarer quickly wrapped up twelve tricks. 

South held a huge hand and might bid the slam without knowing about the singleton club, but just switch North's minor suits and any contract above the four level could be too high.

Copyright ©2007 Larry Matheny.