IMPROVE YOUR PLAY #35 with Larry Matheny

The Roman Keycard convention is a powerful tool.  The keycards are the four aces plus the king in the agreed trump suit.  The convention also lets you find out about the trump queen.  Here it is in action.

Scoring: Matchpoints

Hand #35
Dlr   E
Vul N-S
S 832
H AK9875
D AK10
H J1064
D Q53
C Q87654
S K654
H 2
D 9762
C K1032

S AQJ1097
H Q3
D J84
C J9
West North

 Pass 4NT
    5D    Pass
All Pass

*1 or 4 keycards

BIDDING:   My partner in the South seat opened a weak two bid and my thoughts went immediately to slam.  However, we sometimes open a weak two with a five card suit, so I was concerned about trump quality.  The answer could be found with Keycard Blackwood.  South's 5C response showed one or four keycards so I knew we were missing one important card.  My 5D bid asked about the spade queen.  His leap to 6S told me he held the lady but no outside king.  Without the queen, he would have bid 5S.

PLAY:  West lead a club and my partner quickly wrapped up thirteen tricks.  He led the spade eight from dummy and continued with a small one to his hand.  He then went back to dummy with a diamond to repeat the finesse.  He discarded his losers on dummy's heart suit after ruffing the fourth round.

To realize the value of the convention, what would you have bid if South had denied the spade queen?  What if his suit was:  AJ9754  or  K109854?  Do you still want to be in slam?

Copyright ©2007 Larry Matheny.