IMPROVE YOUR PLAY #30 with Larry Matheny

Conventions are created to solve difficult bidding situations.  One of these involves coping with interference over your 1NT opening bid.  Take a look at this hand.

SCORING: Matchpoints

Hand #30
Dlr   N
Vul N-S
C A1074
S 8765
H 1093
D 7432
C 95
S 42
H AK8765
D 9
C KQ63

S AJ109
H 2
D AJ1085
C J82
West North

1NT  2H
 Pass 3NT
 All Pass


BIDDING:  This North-South partnership uses the Lebensohl convention to deal with interference over their 1NT openers.  The immediate cue bid of 3H is a form of Stayman showing game going values, a four card spade suit, but NO heart stopper.  If South had a heart stopper along with four spades, he would first bid 2NT to relay partner to 3C and then bid 3H.  If North did not hold a heart stopper, he would start bidding his suits up the line to find a fit. 

PLAY:  East led a low heart and North had an easy eleven tricks: four spades, one heart, five diamonds, and one club.

The Lebensohl convention has other uses so be sure to research it completely before adding it to your convention card.

Copyright ©2007 Larry Matheny.