with Larry Matheny

It's important to know how to play the various card combinations.  Try this one.

Scoring:  Matchpoints (Pairs)
Hand #40
Dlr   S
Vul E/W
S AQ53
H 10762
D 104
C 987
S 10764
H 85
D K97
C KJ42
S K98
H 9
D A86532
C Q53

S J2
C A106
West North

    Pass     2H     Pass     4H
All Pass

BIDDING:  South bid game after North's raise.

PLAY:  West led a low trump and declarer stopped to count his losers.  He saw one possible spade loser along with two in both diamonds and clubs.  The only suit that offered any hope was the spade suit.  So declarer won the heart lead followed by another to dummy's ten.  He then led a low spade from dummy and East had no good answer.  Finally he won the king and shifted to a club.  Declarer won the ace, unblocked the spade jack, and then led another trump to dummy.  Next he discarded two of his losers on the spade ace and queen. 

It is important you see that no other spade play by declarer would have succeeded.  Also, note that if East ducked the first spade lead, declarer would win the jack and follow with another to the ace.  A third spade from dummy would allow South to ruff East's king and later discard a loser on the spade queen.  He would lose only three tricks.

Also notice how lucky declarer was.  An opening club lead (or two rounds of diamonds and then a club shift) would defeat the contract.  West chose the wrong time for a trump lead.

Copyright ©2007 Larry Matheny.