with Larry Matheny

The ability to preempt the opponents is a valuable tool.  However, a lot of partnerships take this to an extreme with their "destructive" style.  Sometimes the results are not what they had hoped for.  Take a look at this hand.

Scoring:  Matchpoints (pairs)
Hand #14
Dlr  W
Vul none
H Q75
D KJ862
C AQ107
S A10432
H 32
D Q1043
C 85
S KQ985
H K10
D 75
C J942

S 76
H AJ9864
D A9
C K63
West North
4S 6H
All Pass   

:   This E/W pair use very light preemptive bids as indicated by West's 2S opening.  North was aware of this style and made a somewhat light takeout double.  East leaped to the four level in an attempt to further muddy the waters.  Not wanting to be pushed around, South bid the slam hoping his partner held no more than one spade.

PLAY:   Declarer ruffed the second spade, took the heart finesse, and quickly wrapped up twelve tricks.  Not surprising, holding only 25 HCP no other N/S pair reached the slam.  E/W took their zero in stride and moved to the next table ready for the next hand.  Such tactics are not uncommon in matchpoint (pairs) events, but those using ultra light overcalls, opening bids, and preempts must pre-Alert their opponents before the round begins. 

Copyright ©2007 Larry Matheny.