With Larry Matheny
The top honors
usually get all of the attention but as this hand shows, we also have to give
proper respect to the lower denominations.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Bidding: South used the New
Minor Forcing convention (2)
to discover North’s distribution and then bid the spade game.
Play: West
led the seven of diamonds to the ace and won the diamond return with the
king. He exited with a third diamond as
declarer discarded a heart. Realizing he
still had to lose to the spade ace, declarer led dummy’s jack of spades hoping
the queen was in the East hand. East
covered with the queen and West won declarer’s king with the ace. No matter how declarer tried, he still had to
lose a second spade trick.
The winning play is
to start the spade suit by leading a low one from dummy. Declarer plays the ten from his hand noting
that East had contributed the nine. West
wins the ace and exits with a club to dummy.
Hoping the queen is now alone in the East hand, declarer plays a low
spade from dummy and wins the queen with his king. A spade back to the jack brings the game
It doesn’t pay to
ignore the eight and the nine.
Copyright 2014