With Larry Matheny
It’s nice to pick up strong hands but they are
not always easy to bid. This pair
reached the second best contract.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Bidding: North loved his
huge hand and opened 2. South considered jumping to 3
but hated to take up too much bidding room.
Instead he made a game forcing response of 2
. North continued to bid his suits and South
ended the auction by bidding 6NT.
Play: West
led a low club and declarer counted 11 tricks: 3 spades, 3 hearts, 1 diamond,
and 4 clubs. He saw a 12th
trick could be developed if the spades broke 4-3 or if the hearts divided
3-3. He also realized he needed to keep
the club entry to his hand in order to later cash the ace of diamonds. So he won the first trick in dummy and
started on the spade suit. When both opponents
followed to the first three rounds, he conceded a spade to West and soon
claimed his slam.
One pair reached
the cold grand slam in clubs and a few went down in 6NT when they won the first
club trick in their hand.
Copyright 2014