With Larry Matheny
While it is often best to draw the opponents’ trumps right away, sometimes a different tactic is needed.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Bidding: N/S found their eight-card spade fit and reached game.
Play: West led a low club and declarer stopped to analyze the hand. He decided to put his trumps to work. First he won the queen of clubs at trick one. Next he trumped a diamond in his hand. He continued with the A-K of hearts followed by a heart ruff. He ruffed another diamond in his hand and made sure to cash the ace of clubs before an opponent could shorten himself in the suit. Then he trumped his last heart in dummy and ruffed another diamond in his hand. He was now down to the J109 of trumps and a losing club and conceded two tricks.
Making eleven tricks for +650 was a good matchpoint score.
Copyright 2014