With Larry Matheny
Minor suit slams
are difficult to bid. Many players just
don’t have the tools and others are reluctant to bid past 3NT since it is often
the winning contract.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Bidding: South’s reverse
into diamonds showed a big hand with at least five clubs. North’s club raise established the trump suit
and showed values. South cue bid
diamonds to show a control and then North asked for keycards (4 aces + trump
king) by bidding 4. South showed two key cards without the club
queen. North bid 4NT to ask for kings
and South showed the king of diamonds.
Knowing they held a minimum of ten trumps, North wasn’t worried about
the missing club queen and bid the grand slam.
Play: West
led a heart won by the ace in dummy.
Declarer drew trumps followed by the top three diamonds discarding
dummy’s last heart. Now it was a simple
cross ruff for thirteen tricks.
Copyright 2014