With Larry Matheny
In a small 0-500
game this hand caused bidding problems.
Of the eight N/S pairs only one reached the excellent slam.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Bidding: South’s rebid of 3NT
showed 25-27 high card points. Holding
nine points, North has an easy raise to 6NT.
Here is a way of showing strong balanced hands:
20-21 Open 2NT
22-24 Open 2
and rebid 2NT
25-27 Open 2
and rebid 3NT
28-29 Open 2
and rebid 4NT
After South
described his hand, this became a simple math problem for North. There are variations to this formula and you
should discuss this with your partners.
Play: West
led a diamond and declarer soon claimed 12 tricks.
Copyright 2014