With Larry Matheny
The form of scoring should always be considered during the auction. However, when in slam territory, safety is another concern.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Bidding: In a 23-table game a surprisingly low number of 14 N/S pairs reached slam. Some were in diamonds but most ended in notrump for the better matchpoint score. The bidding sequence shown here was typical.
Play: It all came down
to the opening lead. The West players who led a passive spade were soon
disappointed when those in 6 and 6NT soon claimed all
13 tricks. However, those in 6NT were the disappointed ones when West chose an
aggressive king of clubs for their opening lead. With their entry to dummy’s
diamonds removed, they were doomed to defeat. Those in a diamond slam brought
home all 13 tricks no matter the lead. Greed can be costly.
Copyright 2014