With Larry Matheny
As we all know,
opening leads are difficult. It’s not
always clear if we need to be passive or aggressive. The defender in this hand made a dangerous
lead and it was very costly.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Bidding: North-South had a
routine auction to game.
Play: West
made the aggressive lead of the king of hearts.
Declarer won the ace and immediately returned a low heart. West won and shifted to a diamond but
declarer rose with the ace. Next, South
cashed the ace of spades followed by a club to dummy. He then discarded a diamond on the jack of
hearts and his last one on the 10 of hearts.
West ruffed but declarer lost only 2 spades and 1 heart.
Note this is the
only lead that will allow declarer to succeed.
Copyright 2014