With Larry Matheny
As odd as it may
seem, doubling a low level contract is often more lucrative than punishing
those in the higher stratosphere.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Bidding: East was delighted
to defend a 1
doubled contract. North should have
bailed out to a club contract but he had no idea the double would be left in
for penalties.
Play: East’s pass of his partner’s takeout double
literally commanded a trump be led. West
obeyed and declarer was in big trouble.
He won the second round of hearts but could come to no more than four
Most pairs play
that over an opponent’s takeout double, a new suit is forcing at the one-level
but non-forcing at the two-level. This
is an agreement you should discuss with your partners. I know for a fact that South brought this
subject up with his partner.
Copyright 2014