With Larry Matheny
Because of its
frequent misuse, the great bidding theorist Alvin Roth often regretted having
created the Unusual NT convention. Its
purpose is to show two-suited hands with one bid and, when used properly, it
can be very effective.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Bidding: North used the
Unusual NT convention to show the minor suits.
His rebid of 4
showed extras and South realizing the potential of his singleton diamond and
long trumps went on to game.
Play: West
led the ace of hearts and continued the suit.
Declarer ruffed in dummy and proceeded to establish dummy’s diamond
suit. He played the ace and another
diamond ruffing in his hand. Now a low
club to dummy was followed by another diamond ruff. He repeated this two more times and dummy’s
jack of diamonds was established. Now he
led a spade to dummy’s ace and he had 11 tricks: 1 spade, 1 heart ruff, 2
diamonds, 3 diamond ruffs, and 4 clubs.
Since so much
information is given when the convention is used, there should be some
expectation that you can either buy the contract or can push the opponents past
their comfort level. Too often it is
used simply because one has a two-suited hand.
Copyright 2014