With Larry Matheny
There are several
reasons to enter the auction after the opponents have opened the bidding. You might want to try to buy the contract,
suggest a sacrifice, impede the opponents, or make a lead-directing
overcall. Some players enter for no
reason other than they can.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Bidding: East-West were on
their way to a 4
contract when South decided to enter the auction. West doubled to end the bidding.
Play: West
led a diamond and declarer was lucky to find six tricks for down two. Since the distribution doomed the spade
contracts, this score of +300 was a top for East-West. On defense against the East-West spade
contracts, the North-South pairs usually took the first eight tricks.
It is difficult to
understand why South entered the auction.
At least North thought so.
Copyright 2014