With Larry Matheny
Some hands are won
by good declarer play or great defense.
Others are won in the auction.
Scoring: Teams (Imps)
Bidding: North’s 2NT
response was a game forcing spade raise.
The 3
rebid showed 17+ points and North’s 4
cue bid showed first or second round control in that suit. South next used Roman Keycard Blackwood to
discover if North held the ace of spades.
The diamond response showed one keycard and the follow-up 5
bid asked if North also held the queen of spades. The heart response indicated possession of
the queen along with the king of hearts.
This also denied the king of clubs so South now knew the club cue bid
was a singleton or void. Realizing North
had to hold some other red honors, South bid the grand slam.
Play: West
led the ten of hearts to declarer’s ace.
Next he drew trumps and then discarded his losing diamond on dummy’s
queen of hearts. It was left only to
ruff his two clubs in dummy and the grand was wrapped up.
The team at the
other table stopped in 6.
Copyright ©2014
Larry Matheny