With Larry Matheny
There are several
ways to establish extra tricks. These
include setting up a side suit, trumping cards in dummy, reversing dummy, squeezing
the opponents, and the old standby: the cross-ruff.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Bidding: I was South and my rebid
showed 22-23 high cards points and a balanced hand. North used Stayman to find our heart fit.
Play: West
led the jack of clubs and I saw possible losers in hearts and diamonds. I also saw a cross-ruff might be
possible. I won the ace of clubs
followed by the king and ace of spades.
Next, I led a diamond to my queen followed by the ace. I then cashed my other top clubs pitching a
diamond from dummy. Then it was ruff a
diamond, ruff a spade to my hand, ruff a diamond, and ruff a spade. I was now down to the AJ of hearts in my hand
and I had 12 tricks.
Copyright ©2014
Larry Matheny