With Larry Matheny
In duplicate bridge
you hold the same cards as your opponent.
While this reduces Lady Luck as a factor, it does not eliminate her
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Bidding: South opened with a
forcing bid and North showed his spade suit.
South’s rebid showed 25-27 high card points and North invited slam. Although holding nothing extra, South liked
his hand and accepted the invitation.
Play: West
led the queen of clubs and declarer counted 10 tricks: 5 spades, 2 hearts, 1
diamond, and 2 clubs. The extra tricks
would have to come from the heart suit.
He won the ace of clubs, unblocked the AK of spades, and then entered
dummy with the king of hearts. He cashed
his good spades discarding 1 diamond and 2 clubs. He then led a heart to his jack followed by
the ace. With the kind distribution of
the suit he now had 13 tricks. At
another table West led a low club that sailed around to declarer’s 10. With 11 tricks this declarer simply played
the ace and queen of diamonds to establish his 12th trick.
So the declarer who
received a trick on the opening lead ended with one less trick than the
declarer who gained nothing from the opening lead. Luck is still a part of the game.
Copyright ©2014
Larry Matheny