With Larry Matheny
The form of scoring
in a Pairs event must be considered during the auction. Before bidding a game you must decide if 3NT
is best, perhaps four of a major, or even a lowly minor suit game.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Bidding: North’s 2NT bid
showed 13-15 high card points along with a doubleton spade. Sitting South I knew my hand with the solid
spade suit would be a good dummy for 3NT, but I also considered the spade
game. I finally let the singleton
diamond sway me into bidding 4.
Play: West
led a low heart and I stopped to analyze the hand. I had 11 top tricks: 6 spades, 3 hearts, 1
diamond, and 1 club. These same tricks
were available to those in 3NT so I needed an overtrick. I decided to work on the diamond suit. I won the heart in my hand followed by the
ace and a diamond ruffed with a high trump.
Next I led the 2 of spades to dummy’s 9 in order to ruff another
diamond. I drew the rest of the trumps
and then led a heart to dummy’s ace. A
third diamond ruff found that suit dividing 4-3 and the jack of diamonds became
my 12th trick. The ace of
clubs provided the entry.
I made the right
decision because those in 3NT had to settle for 11 tricks. However, an opening club lead would have
removed a vital dummy entry and I would have wished I had bid 3NT. Matchpoints is a difficult game.
Copyright ©2013
Larry Matheny