With Larry Matheny
Here is an old hand
I found when cleaning out my desk. It
shows you should not give up even when things look hopeless.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Bidding: After making a
negative double looking for a spade fit, South bid 3NT.
Play: I
was in the West chair and led the 5 of hearts.
Partner played the ten and declarer won the king. Declarer counted 8 tricks (2 spades, 1 heart,
2 diamonds, and 3 clubs) with no prospects for a 9th one. To solve this dilemma, he simply led a low heart
that I won with the queen. I led my last
heart to partner but he had no good continuation. If he leads a 4th heart I am
squeezed. A discard from any suit gives
declarer his 9th trick. If
instead partner shifts to another suit, declarer just ducks a diamond to
me. It does me no good to shift after I
win the second heart; declarer just wins and leads a 3rd heart. He effectively broke our communications.
Well played and it
still hurts many years later.
Copyright ©2013
Larry Matheny