With Larry Matheny
information is available from the auction, the opening lead, and the subsequent
play of the cards. Sometimes you can
even reach a conclusion from something that didn’t happen.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Bidding: After receiving a raise, South bid game.
Play: West
led the 10 of spades to the ace. East
returned the queen of spades and declarer was relieved when his king wasn’t
ruffed. Analyzing the hand, declarer saw
he had two diamonds to lose so it was imperative he find the queen of
clubs. That answer came from the auction
and the play to the first two tricks.
East had shown up with AQJ76 of spades and since West didn’t lead a top
diamond, one of those cards must be in the East hand. After all, West would not have led a
doubleton spade if he held the AK of a side suit. It was also clear If East also held the queen
of clubs, he would not have passed at his first opportunity. So, placing the queen of clubs in the West
hand. declarer drew trumps, finessed West for the queen of clubs, and made his
game. He even scored an overtrick when
the clubs provided a discard for a diamond.
Copyright ©2013
Larry Matheny