With Larry Matheny
Transfer bids have
been around for many years. While the
Jacoby Transfer is the one familiar to most players, its cousin the Texas
Transfer is also a nice addition to your convention card. Used together, they give you a way to invite
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Bidding: This N/S
partnership uses both Jacoby and Texas transfer bids. When North first transferred and then jumped
to game, he was making a slam try. With
a six-card suit and interest only in game, he would have simply transferred to
hearts at the four-level. South loved
his hand and used Roman Keycard to find two keycards and the queen of
hearts. Knowing one keycard was missing,
he stopped in the small slam.
Play: West
led a diamond and held declarer to twelve tricks. With any other lead, North’s spade and
diamond losers would have been discarded on the long club suit.
Many pairs lacked a
way to invite slam with the North hand and stopped in game.
Copyright ©2013
Larry Matheny