With Larry Matheny
In a team game you
want to avoid going for large numbers and you certainly don’t want the
opponents to succeed at both tables.
Scoring: IMPs (Teams)
Bidding: West bid 4NT to
show the minors. North continued the preempt and East passed unwilling to commit to
slam. West’s double ended
the auction.
Play: West
led the ace of spades and then shifted to the king of diamonds. Declarer won the ace, cashed the king of
spades to discard a club, and then ruffed a spade to
his hand. He ruffed
another club in dummy, ruffed a diamond to his hand, and ruffed his last club
in dummy. Now he merely had to ruff
another diamond to his hand, pull the trumps, and enjoy the overtrick.
At the other table,
North passed over the 4NT bid and East bid 5
to end the auction. South led the ace of
hearts that was ruffed in dummy. East
drew trumps followed by a diamond. North
won the ace but declarer was able to discard two spades and one heart on the
good diamonds and also made an overtrick.
The +1050 at the first table and the +620 at the second table resulted
in swing of 17 IMPs.
Copyright ©2013
Larry Matheny