With Larry Matheny
On many hands the
timing of the play must be exact. This
hand is a good example of how important that can be.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Bidding: After his partner
passed, South jumped to game over East’s bid.
Play: West
led the jack of clubs and declarer stopped to analyze his position. He counted 5 possible losers: 2 hearts, 2
diamonds, and 1 club. To succeed he
needed the ace of diamonds to be in the West hand and both heart honors in the
East hand. He ruffed the second round of
clubs and drew trumps. Next he played a
low heart from his hand to dummy’s 10 and East won the queen. A third club was led and ruffed by declarer. Next a diamond was led and West rose with the
ace. West exited with the queen of
diamonds won by the king. Declarer now
led a low heart to his jack and made the contract.
Note a heart must
be conceded before the diamond entry is used.
Otherwise, when declarer leads a heart from dummy, East will split his
honors and declarer has no good answer.
If declarer ducks, East will exit with a diamond leaving declarer with a
second heart loser and no entry to dummy.
Copyright ©2013
Larry Matheny