With Larry Matheny
The Splinter bid is
a valuable tool. It’s usually a double
jump in a side suit to show shortness, support for your partner’s suit, and
values. As the following hand
demonstrates, telling partner about the shortness can be very important.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Bidding: North’s jump to 3
was a Splinter bid promising heart support and spade shortness. The vulnerability was wrong for a sacrifice,
but East doubled to encourage a spade lead.
South was excited because the auction made it very likely North’s high
cards were in the minor suits. South cue
bid clubs, North showed the ace of diamonds, and South bid the slam.
Play: West
led the ace of spades ruffed in dummy.
Now it was a heart to declarer’s hand followed by another spade
ruff. This was repeated and declarer
returned to his hand with the king of diamonds to draw the last trump. When the queen of clubs popped up, declarer
had all thirteen tricks.
Copyright ©2013
Larry Matheny