With Larry Matheny
As declarer, it is
so important to develop your line of play before you play to the first
trick. This hand makes that very point.
Scoring: IMPs (Teams)
Bidding: North made a
takeout double and South jumped to the heart game.
Play: West
led the king of spades and declarer stopped to analyze the hand. He saw a spade loser and three possible
diamond losers. His goal was to keep
East out of the lead to prevent a diamond lead through his hand. Therefore, he ducked the first spade and won
the second. Next, he drew trumps
followed by the king and ace of clubs.
His original game plan was to ruff the third round of clubs, ruff his
last spade in dummy, and then lead dummy’s last club pitching a diamond. He hoped West would then have to lead a
diamond. However, when the jack and nine
of clubs appeared, he simply had to lead third club and discard a diamond. Dummy’s good 10 of clubs was now a parking
place for another diamond and declarer had his ten tricks.
Note if the first
spade is not ducked, West can put East in the lead for the deadly diamond
Copyright ©2013
Larry Matheny