With Larry Matheny
Sometimes it only
takes one bid to throw an auction completely out of control. Take a look at this wild ride.
Scoring: IMPs (Teams)
Bidding: North’s negative
double with only five high card points was ill-advised. South believed him, and expecting more values
in the minor suits, bid very aggressively.
South certainly had a good hand but leaping to slam was too much.
Play: West
led his singleton club and the defense soon captured the first three
tricks. Declarer still had to lose the
ace of spades for down three. I was
North at the other table and when my partner opened 1,
West passed, I passed, and so did East.
Playing in 1
the defense could take the same four tricks but my partner was allowed to make
eleven tricks.
You have to admit,
playing 1
at one table and 6
at the other table doesn’t happen very often.
Copyright ©2013
Larry Matheny