With Larry Matheny
There are many
conventions available for partnerships.
Some merely take up space on the convention card while others are quite
valuable. In this auction the
North-South pair used two good agreements to reach an excellent slam.
Scoring: IMPs (Teams)
Bidding: North’s 3 bid showed values in diamonds (this
partnership has a way to show weaker support).
South’s leap to 5
was Exclusion Keycard Blackwood. This
bid asked North how many keycards for diamonds (4 aces + king) outside of the
club suit. North showed one and South
bid the slam.
Play: West
led a low spade and declarer won with the ten in dummy. When the diamonds divided 2-2, declarer soon
claimed all thirteen tricks. This slam
was missed at the other table after East took up valuable bidding space with a
Copyright ©2013
Larry Matheny