With Larry Matheny
This excellent
declarer problem was given to me by a friend who got it from a friend who read
about it in some book. I am unable to
give credit to the author.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Bidding: I suspect the
auction was similar to this.
Play: West
led a trump and declarer stopped to analyze the hand. He saw four possible losers: two diamonds and
two clubs. After giving the problem some
thought, declarer saw a line that would guarantee the contract. He drew the last trump followed by the ace of
hearts and a heart ruff. Next he simply
played ace and another club. West won
and shifted to a low diamond. Declarer
ducked and East won the queen. East
played his last club and declarer covered with the queen. West won the king and
played a second diamond but declarer rose with the ace, came to his hand with a
trump, and discarded a diamond from dummy on the 13th club. He ended up losing one diamond and two clubs.
This line would
succeed no matter how the clubs were divided.
Try it.
Copyright ©2013
Larry Matheny