With Larry Matheny
Entries to dummy
are often rare and must be used carefully.
Sometimes you even have to create your entries.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Bidding: South’s opening bid
ended the auction.
Play: West
led the deuce of hearts to his partner’s ace.
Seeing there was no entry to dummy to take the spade finesse, declarer
dropped his king under the ace. East
continued with another heart and declarer won the third round in dummy with the
jack. He continued with the jack of
spades and quickly brought in four spade tricks. In his hand, declarer next exited with the
ace and ten clubs. West rose with the
king to cash the last heart trick. He
had to exit with a diamond and declarer scored his king. Declarer ended with 7 tricks: 4 spades, 1
heart, 1 diamond, and 1 club. Those who
failed to find the entry-creating play at trick one were held to six tricks.
Copyright ©2013
Larry Matheny