With Larry Matheny
Transfer bids have
been around since the 1950’s and used primarily for the major suits. Minor suit transfers are now popular and can
be very useful.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
*transfer to diamonds |
Bidding: I was North and
responded to partner’s 1NT by transferring to diamonds. My partner’s 3
bid was a “super accept” showing maximum values and a diamond fit. I now thought game was possible so I
continued with 3
to show a singleton or void. My partner
knew notrump was no longer a target and he next cue bid a spade control. I did the same in clubs and after his 4
bid, I signed off in game.
Play: West
led the ace of hearts before shifting to a trump. The diamond queen was singleton, the spade
finesse worked, and the clubs broke favorably so my partner quickly wrapped up
the contract with an overtrick.
In a local game,
only two pairs reached game. The minor
suit transfer is a valuable tool.
Copyright ©2013
Larry Matheny