With Larry Matheny
The auction can
still be helpful even after play has begun.
This hand makes that point.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Bidding: West’s 3
bid was a weak raise and North competed to 3
to end the auction.
Play: West
led the ace of clubs and was disappointed to find the king in dummy. He shifted to a low heart and declarer
stopped to analyze the hand. He saw only
three certain losers (1 spade, 1 diamond, and 1 club) so the contract was not in
danger. To avoid a second spade loser he
needed to find the jack. The auction
gave him the answer. West’s preemptive
raise promised at least five clubs so that left East with only three. East must hold three spades for with only two
he would have eight red cards and would not have opened a 3-card club
suit. Armed with this knowledge, at
trick two declarer led a low spade to the queen and ace. He won the heart return in dummy followed by
a spade to the ten. He drew the last
trump and conceded a diamond trick for ten tricks.
Those who played
for the spades to break 2-2 were disappointed.
Copyright ©2013
Larry Matheny