With Larry Matheny
There are several
card combinations that allow declarer to avoid losing extra tricks. This hand demonstrates how important these
“safety” plays can be.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Bidding: South’s jump rebid
showed 16-18 high card points with 5-2-3-3 distribution. North wanted to show spade support but
decided 6NT might be the safer contract.
Play: West
led the jack of diamonds and declarer quickly saw the extra tricks would have
to come from the spade suit. This seemed
better than hoping the hearts divided 3-3.
He won the diamond in his hand and cashed the ace of spades. When the jack dropped on his left he simply
continued with a low spade to the ten losing to the queen. Declarer now could win any return and take
the marked spade finesse against East’s nine to bring home the slam.
This safety play
would give up an overtrick if West had been dealt the doubleton QJ of spades,
but hoping for that and cashing the king of spades would have meant defeat on
the actual layout. It doesn’t always pay
to be greedy.
Copyright ©2013
Larry Matheny