With Larry Matheny
Many bridge players
love to bid and often do so when they should not. Here is a hand that shows that malady.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Bidding: The auction started
in a normal manner until North decided that she should enter the bidding. South accepted the invitation and competed
with 3
to close the auction.
Play: West’s singleton spade lead was won by
South. Declarer continued with a trump
to East’s ace. East returned a spade
which West ruffed. The defense also
captured two diamonds and one club to defeat the contract by one trick. Why is this hand of interest? With so much defense in the minor suits, it
made no sense for North to enter the auction.
By doing so she turned a plus score into a minus. Most of the N/S pairs were +200 or +300 and
there was even one +800. North just
could not resist and paid the price with -100.
Discipline is
important at bridge.
Copyright ©2013
Larry Matheny