With Larry Matheny
Many players make
overalls that deserve to be punished. It
becomes extremely dangerous after an opponent has shown his strength by opening
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Bidding: Holding a five-card
major, East started to open 1
but was concerned about a rebid if partner responded 1
. He was too strong to rebid 1NT so to avoid
this problem, he simply opened 1NT.
South made a dangerous overcall and after West made a negative double,
East had no problem passing and defending.
Play: West
led the 9 of diamonds to East’s queen.
Next, East led a low spade to his partner’s ace and a club was returned. East won the ace followed by another
spade. Declarer scored the king of
spades, the king of clubs, and three trump tricks for down three and -500. This was a zero.
Lesson: Two-level overcalls are dangerous.
Copyright ©2013
Larry Matheny