With Larry Matheny
Bidding hands of
1NT opening strength containing a five-card major cause problems for many
partnerships. This hand demonstrates a
way to show the extra strength.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Bidding: After South took a
simple preference to 2,
North pushed on with 2NT. This showed a
semi-balanced hand with 16-17 high card points and South continued on to game.
Play: West
led the 10 of clubs and declarer won the queen with the king. Next, declarer led the jack of hearts. West won the second round to switch to a low
diamond. Declarer could do no wrong as
the cards were favorably placed. He ended
up winning ten tricks: 2 spades, 3 hearts, 2 diamonds, and 3 clubs.
Why is this
seemingly routine hand of interest?
Several N/S pairs failed to reach game.
The South players weren’t sure how to continue after North’s 2
bid. This should be a topic with your
regular partners.
Copyright ©2013
Larry Matheny