With Larry Matheny
A safety play is
simply playing a suit in the correct manner.
Here is a good example.
Scoring: IMPs (Teams)
Bidding: After West
overcalled in hearts, North made a negative double showing four spades. South wished he held a better heart stopper
but still made the value showing jump to 2NT.
North carried on to game.
Play: West
led the eight of hearts and declarer won the king. Declarer counted only eight tricks (4 spades,
1 heart, and 3 clubs) so he needed the clubs to behave. He saw
his only worry was if the clubs divided 4-0. If West had all of the clubs, declarer could
not bring in the suit but he could handle four clubs in the East hand. Therefore, at trick two he led a low club
from his hand. West failed to follow
suit and declarer was able to finesse twice through East to bring in all five
club tricks. Those who started with a
high club from their hand were soon very disappointed.
This type of safety
play occurs frequently and is often missed.
Copyright ©2013
Larry Matheny