With Larry Matheny
This hand shows how
important it is to use your entries to each hand wisely.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Bidding: North-South had a routine auction to game.
Play: West
led the deuce of hearts and declarer stopped to count his tricks. The number came up to only six (one spade,
two hearts, and three diamonds) so he needed to bring in three club
tricks. Without much thought, he won the
heart lead and hoping for a 3-3 club break, played the king of clubs. East won the ace and returned a heart leaving
declarer with only eight tricks.
Declarer had three
entries to dummy so he should have led a diamond to the ten followed by a low
club. He can enter dummy two more times
to lead clubs and will end with three club tricks and make his contract.
Copyright ©2013
Larry Matheny