With Larry Matheny
Here is a hand that
requires exact card play to succeed. If
declarer had played even one round of trumps before executing his plan, he
would have failed.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
*Jacoby raise |
Bidding: South started with
a simple 1
and North made a forcing spade raise.
East got involved with a club bid and West jumped to the five-level to
exert more pressure. North took the push
to 5
and South decided his club void was worth a try for slam.
Play: West
led a low club to the jack and declarer ruffed.
To make this declarer must eliminate hearts and clubs and endplay
East. It must be ace of hearts, ruff a
heart, ruff a club, ruff a heart, spade to your hand, ruff the last heart, and
a spade back to your hand. Here is the
K8 AQ8
J43 K105
Q9 J6
9 9762
Declarer now leads
a low diamond and covers whatever card West plays. East wins but must return a diamond or allow
declarer to ruff in his hand and discard a diamond from dummy. An opening spade or diamond lead will defeat
the hand. It is cold when played from
the North hand.
Copyright ©2013
Larry Matheny