With Larry Matheny
Hands with wild
distribution are often hard to bid. It
helps when you have a good partner who knows how to evaluate his hand.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Bidding: Sitting South I
liked my strong two-suiter and made a jump shift to force to game. My partner wanted to hear more and then
suggested 3NT. To show a more
distributional hand, I bid my club suit again.
My partner recognized the strength of his singleton club along with two
trumps and bid the slam.
Play: West
led a low diamond which I trumped.
Needing trumps to be either 2-2 or one of the honors to be singleton, I
continued with ace and another heart. I
was later able to discard two clubs on the good spades for twelve tricks.
Copyright ©2013
Larry Matheny