With Larry Matheny
The lead of an
unsupported ace can be very costly. The
old adage “Aces were meant to capture kings and queens” has a lot of merit.
Scoring: IMPs (Teams)
Bidding: After East’s
weak-two bid, West continued the preempt with a leap to the five-level. North made a strength showing double and
South bid his lower five-card suit.
Play: In
this team game, at one table West led the ace of diamonds. Declarer was able to discard his losing club
on the king of diamonds and make his contract.
At the other table, West led the jack of clubs and declarer had to lose
a club along with the two aces.
Of course there are
hands where it is imperative you cash your tricks immediately, but this wasn’t
one of those.
Copyright ©2013
Larry Matheny