With Larry Matheny
The Lightner Double
convention has been around for decades.
It is used against slams to ask for either an unusual lead (which you
will ruff) or dummy’s first bid suit.
Here it is in action.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Bidding: North’s 2
response was game forcing showing values but no strong suit. South showed a balanced hand with 22-23
points and North transferred to hearts.
South jumped to show a great fit and North bid the slam. East then made a Lightner Double asking for
his partner to either lead dummy’s first bid suit or a long suit that he was
likely to ruff.
Play: West
thought a long time before selecting the deuce of diamonds. He finally decided if N/S held nine spades
they probably would have bid them. East
ruffed the diamond and cashed the ace of spades to defeat the contract.
Reflecting on the
auction, South had an opportunity to convert to the ice-cold 6NT but failed to
do so.
Copyright ©2013
Larry Matheny