With Larry Matheny
There are several
bidding conventions and agreements to help us arrive at the best
contracts. The Splinter bid is one of
those and this hand shows how effective it can be.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
*splinter |
Bidding: South’s 2
response showed values without a strong suit.
South next bid 3
and was excited when his partner revealed a diamond suit. After some thought, South jumped to 4
to show good diamond support and heart shortness. North bid the slam.
Play: West
led a heart to his partner’s ace. East
continued with a heart and declarer ruffed.
Declarer decided to establish dummy so he led a diamond to the ace. He was disappointed when East discarded a
heart but continued with his plan. He
played the ace of spades and ruffed a spade high. Next, he led a club to dummy’s ace and
ruffed another spade with another high trump.
He continued with his king of clubs discarding dummy’s last heart. Now he led his last diamond to dummy’s eight
and drew trumps.
The results around
the room were mixed; some played in the diamond game and some suffered defeat
declaring 3NT with a heart lead. The
splinter bid was an excellent solution to North’s bidding dilemma.
Copyright ©2013
Larry Matheny