With Larry Matheny
People who use the
negative double convention sometimes forget they can still penalize the
opponents. This hand is an excellent
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Bidding: After South overcalled 2,
West noted the vulnerability and passed in tempo. East made a routine re-opening double and
everyone passed.
West led the king of spades and continued with another. East won the ace and returned the deuce of
spades asking for a club return. West
ruffed the third spade and obediently led back a club. East won the ace and switched to his
diamond. Declarer played the king and
West won the ace. West then exited with
a club to the queen and declarer ruffed.
The rest was ugly as declarer managed only four diamonds and one
heart. This meant +800 for E/W and a
great matchpoint score.
South’s bid was no
worse than many others that are made, but a vulnerable two-level overcall is a
dangerous bid.
Copyright ©2013
Larry Matheny