With Larry Matheny
Before making an
opening lead it is always right to review the auction. However, some defenders interpret the
information better than others.
Scoring: IMPs (Teams)
Bidding: North’s 2
was game forcing. After North agreed
spades, South made a club cue bid and North cooperated with a diamond cue
bid. South jumped in spades to ask if
North held a heart control. North’s
holding was a dreadful three small so she quickly passed.
Play: Now
it was up to West to find the right lead.
The auction begged for a heart lead so he put the ace on the table. East encouraged with the seven and soon won
the second heart trick. But, that was
all for the defense as declarer quickly claimed the rest.
A more thoughtful
West might have realized that since both opponents denied holding a first or
second round heart control, a low heart could not hurt. As we can see a low heart to East’s king
followed by a heart back through the queen would defeat the contract.
Copyright ©2013 Larry Matheny