With Larry Matheny
As declarer it is
usually right to set up your own hand.
However, it is sometimes easier to establish dummy.
Scoring: IMPs (Teams)
Bidding: North jumped to 3
inviting game and South accepted.
Play: With
no attractive lead, West settled on a low spade. Declarer won East’s queen and continued with
a second round. With trumps behaving,
declarer decided the heart suit offered the best chance for success. If the suit divided 3-3 or the jack dropped
doubleton, he would have 9 tricks: 4 spades and 5 hearts. The hearts did divide 3-3 so he discarded
three diamonds and then trumped a diamond in his hand for his 10th
trick. He lost only 1 diamond and 2
The defense had
four available tricks, but a club lead on this auction with this holding would
seem impossible to find. At the other
table, they stopped in a spade partscore and made only 9 tricks. Either West found a club lead or declarer did
not use the heart suit to his advantage.
Copyright ©2013 Larry Matheny