With Larry Matheny
We count our high
card points for the bidding but the spot cards often determine whether the
contract succeeds.
Scoring: IMPs (Teams)
Bidding: North’s 2
response was game forcing denying a suit headed by two of the top three
honors. South showed a balanced hand
with 22-23 high card points and North’s 3
rebid was a transfer to hearts. South
made a “super accept” and North simply bid the slam.
Play: West
led the queen of spades and declarer stopped to analyze the hand. He saw he had all of the high club spots and
decided a finesse in clubs offered the best chance of success. He would discard two of dummy’s diamonds on
the spades and play for the 75% chance that either the king or queen of clubs
was on his right. So he discarded a
diamond on the spade lead and played the ace of trumps. He was disappointed when West discarded a
spade but continued with his plan. He
drew three more rounds of trumps and then led the jack of clubs. The queen came up and declarer quickly
claimed 12 tricks: 2 spades, 5 hearts, 2 diamonds, and 3 clubs. If the club finesse had lost to West, he
would have won the return and repeated the finesse in clubs. Slam was also bid and made at the other table
so no IMPs were won or lost.
Copyright ©2013 Larry Matheny