With Larry Matheny
As a young man I
knew of only one person who was color blind.
Today I find that many bridge players are similarly afflicted. Or at least they don’t seem to notice the
color red.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Bidding: South overcalled at the two-level and after
looking at the vulnerability, West passed in tempo. East had an automatic reopening double and
that became the final contract.
Play: West
led the jack of diamonds and continued with a second round. East cashed a third diamond followed by a low
heart. West won the queen and continued
with the ace and a third round. Declarer
ruffed but could only win two spade tricks and two more club tricks for down
three and a score of -800. Most E/W
pairs played 3NT scoring either +400 or +430.
I don’t know how
many players in the South chair chose to overcall but vulnerable bids at the
two-level and higher must be sound.
Copyright ©2013 Larry Matheny